
About Me:

I am a photographer based out of India. My passion lies in capturing images of people I’m intrigued by—their faces, the stories behind them, their lifestyles, cultures, and traditions. I like endlessly roaming around the streets, wherever I go, and spend time learning and understanding my subjects. Also, as is apparent from my blog, I do have a soft corner for portraits and images in black and white! If you would like to work with me for assignments and commissioned works, get in touch with me here.

About This Photoblog:

On August 1, 2008 I started this photoblog to showcase the images of people that I shoot  and creating images for this photoblog has always been an exciting and fulfilling challenge. As a mark of my fondness for black and white, this site uses only different shades of grey for all its elements.





Collaborations and Assignments:

GoPro • Google Pixel • Skoda • Daniel Wellington • Philippines Tourism •  Ministry of Tourism of Indonesia • Garuda Indonesia • Dream Cruises • WirtschaftsWoche • Brussels Airlines • Forsyth Lodge • Victorinox

Social Media Followers:

Instagram: 46k+ • Twitter: 24k+ • Facebook: 10k+

28mm Portraits Project:

I’ve been working on my 28mm Portraits Project since June 2017. Click here to take a look at this project.


Exhibited my images at the Kala Ghoda Arts Festival 2011, held in Mumbai under the theme ‘Faces’.


Click here to view the entire thumbnail Archive of 627 images posted over the last 11 years.

Yearly Archive → •2023 (4) •2022 (5) •2021 (5) •2020 (4) •2019 (36) •2018 (66) •2017 (52) •2016 (66) •2015 (66) •2014 (48) •2013 (49) •2012 (52) •2011 (42) •2010 (51) •2009 (43) •2008 (32)



If you would like to buy a print of any of the images, get in touch with me here.


I mostly use Nikon DSLRs, Apple iPhones and GoPro to capture images. I occasionally shoot with film.

Copyright Information:

All photographs found on this site are copyrighted to joshi daniel. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of photographs without express and written permission from joshi daniel is strictly prohibited.


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1,853 Replies to “About”

  1. Hi Joshi – thank you ever so much for having a look at some of my fotos and liking them. Such “praise” coming from a photographer such as yourself is much appreciated. I have enjoyed looking at the beauty that you have captured in your subjects. It is no wonder that you have won recognition – well deserved! All the best :)


  2. Hey Mr. Daniel
    I am a Indian (Mallu) teenager (17Yo) settled in Adelaide, Australia.
    Looking at your captures have really inspired me. I already had an interest in photography, but that interest has been rejuvenated after taking in your collection. Could you tell me how you got into photography and tips for me. I am really interested in landscape, street, and candid. i recently purchased a decent DSLR: Nikon D5100 i think its good to get started with this one.
    Looking forward to hear back from you, it would mean alot to me.

    PS: Malayalee Anno? :)


  3. thank you liking an image on my blog today. I’m feeling honoured you even noticed. Your work is incredible. Makes me very homesick for India… I used to work there a long time ago and it’s a country still under my skin. In the lens there is no other place on earth so rich in eye popping material. You’re lucky to live there with your camera!


  4. Hi Joshi,

    I have always wanted to visit your website and today i did. You are immensely talented… and you have a very good website… Keep at it :)

    Cynthia Vincent(www.blogatcynthia.blogspot.in)


  5. Well I am a recent photographer, learning the ways of blogging. I am happy you liked one of my photos and I was able to land on your website. Your images are very strong and I enjoy your “about” description because I completly agree how one image of a person can really speak to you.


  6. Hello from Oklahoma, US. thanks for the like I noticed you because I have not seen you before. I love the expectant eyes. What a beautiful photo catching that look is a great talent and gift you have I believe. I am always amazed at all the talented photographers! Have an awesome day!


  7. Hello Joshi – Thank you for the invitation to follow your blog. I’m new to blogging, so I hope we are connected properly. I do photography as a hobby and decided to start a blog to showcase my work. I have a nice camera, but I use my iPhone for nearly all of my photos–mostly because it is glued to me. Anyway, I love your site. You are extremely talented. It was a pleasure receiving your email and please stay in touch. ~ Efren


  8. Excellent work joshi! you made one more fan today… please state details about gears you use.. camera, lenses, speedlights, post-processing softwares, etc.,.


  9. Wow…really amazing photography and capture of people and faces. Especially like the ‘Be Gentle’ one also. Thanks for giving one of mine a Like. Have a great week :)


  10. Joshi,

    I am a three year artist and love painting people. I came upon your web site and was in awe with your photography, you really catch the soul of your subjects.

    I’m really interested and would consider it a honor if you would grant me the permission to paint a couple of your photos.

    Thank you,

    William Wickersham


  11. I like your your art. In this time very need artist in India like you. my hobby is photography too. I want to some tips about photography please provide me some tips.

    Thank You.


  12. Your portraits are incredible! So captivating and expressive. They really tell a story. Thanks for sharing your work, its inspirational. I’m honored that you’ve visited and liked my blog! Keep up the good work :)


  13. Amazing. I am breathless from the beauty, depth, and soul that your pictures capture. Thought provoking. Not only are the compositions beautiful, but you need to keep searching the photographs to determine the emotion and story behind the person. Thank you sincerely for dropping by my site.


  14. Congratulations on completion of 5 years of a brilliant photo-blogging! And thanks for sharing your photographs with us! Keep shooting..keep blogging Daniel!


  15. Josh, your work is incredible. Thanks for liking my Granddaddy Longlegs post. It is a high compliment coming from someone like you. Carmen Aida


  16. I love viewing your blog. All the different faces and the different stories they tell are wonderful. Hope to travel to India one day after seeing all these pictures. Keep the wonderful pictures coming.


  17. Hello Daniel,

    I’m a huge fan of your photography! You are very talented.
    I would like to ask for your permission to draw one of your photos the ‘piercing gaze’ as a fan art. I would like to post it on Instagram with a link to you with your permission only. It would be a great privilege.

    Thank you,

    Kind regards,



  18. Thanks for visiting my blog :) You have some wonderful images here – and a host of accolades already! India truly is a country of colour and contrast with so many opportunities for a photographer – and for learning about life in general …


  19. Hi Joshi
    Thanks for visiting my blog and liking! Love your work too – I’ve travelled and shot many times India, so I know how hard it is to get such striking images.



  20. My wife is pregnant, I want to have some nice pictures with her before her delivery.
    Let me know if you can do that.

    We live in Dubai.




  21. Thank you so much for the like on my last post Joshi. That gave me the chance to discover your blog and enjoy your photography. I’m learning digital photography and your work is such an inspiration. Cheers, Yael


  22. Hello, Joshi. I am new to your blog, which is outstanding. Some of your photos are stunning. I was drawn first to the B and W archive, but one thing leads inexorably to another! I am glad you like very amateurish (in comparison) “In search of unusual destinations”. All good wishes. I will be back regularly. Phil.


  23. The American culture rejects the beauty Nature paints on each unique human canvas. Plastic surgery has created a society void of expression. Faces are vacant of the joy and pain experienced in a lifetime. Thank you for posting images to remind me of the true image of the Soul and its beautiful vessel.


  24. Thanks for the like on my picture Joshi. It means a lot to me when someone of your obviously high caliber recognises one of my photos as I stıll have a lot to learn and lots more practıce needed. I also love close up portraıts of elderly people and young children…so İ wıll be lookıng closely at your pics to get ideas! keep snapping.


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