
About Me:

I am a photographer based out of India. My passion lies in capturing images of people I’m intrigued by—their faces, the stories behind them, their lifestyles, cultures, and traditions. I like endlessly roaming around the streets, wherever I go, and spend time learning and understanding my subjects. Also, as is apparent from my blog, I do have a soft corner for portraits and images in black and white! If you would like to work with me for assignments and commissioned works, get in touch with me here.

About This Photoblog:

On August 1, 2008 I started this photoblog to showcase the images of people that I shoot  and creating images for this photoblog has always been an exciting and fulfilling challenge. As a mark of my fondness for black and white, this site uses only different shades of grey for all its elements.





Collaborations and Assignments:

GoPro • Google Pixel • Skoda • Daniel Wellington • Philippines Tourism •  Ministry of Tourism of Indonesia • Garuda Indonesia • Dream Cruises • WirtschaftsWoche • Brussels Airlines • Forsyth Lodge • Victorinox

Social Media Followers:

Instagram: 46k+ • Twitter: 24k+ • Facebook: 10k+

28mm Portraits Project:

I’ve been working on my 28mm Portraits Project since June 2017. Click here to take a look at this project.


Exhibited my images at the Kala Ghoda Arts Festival 2011, held in Mumbai under the theme ‘Faces’.


Click here to view the entire thumbnail Archive of 627 images posted over the last 11 years.

Yearly Archive → •2023 (4) •2022 (5) •2021 (5) •2020 (4) •2019 (36) •2018 (66) •2017 (52) •2016 (66) •2015 (66) •2014 (48) •2013 (49) •2012 (52) •2011 (42) •2010 (51) •2009 (43) •2008 (32)



If you would like to buy a print of any of the images, get in touch with me here.


I mostly use Nikon DSLRs, Apple iPhones and GoPro to capture images. I occasionally shoot with film.

Copyright Information:

All photographs found on this site are copyrighted to joshi daniel. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of photographs without express and written permission from joshi daniel is strictly prohibited.


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1,853 Replies to “About”

  1. Hi Joshi Daniel,

    How are you doing, I am Gowardhan Editor of readitt.in

    was highly impressed with your photography,,

    I want to purchase a camera under rs 15k,, want your suggestion .



  2. Given the number of comments you receive, I just hope you see this one :-)
    Your work is distinctive, and requires a deeper, longer look. Wonderful!


  3. I understand you are using Triton Lite as the template. I am too. I hate the “fogging over” effect used unless the curser is over the photo. What did you do to eliminate that?


  4. I found your blog through indiblogger and what a wonderful discovery it makes for! Being an amateur photographer n blogger (www.pixelvoyages.wordpress.com), I can see the beauty in your pics and the level of skill it would take to get there. Do you take photography classes by any chance? If you do, please let me know via a reply to this message and I will gladly enroll.


  5. Thanks for the like on my post of photos today. I admire your work so to have a “like” from you has made my day.
    You do a magnificent job of capturing the faces and feelings of humanity. I think that’s noble work – as noble as the greatest novels ever written. Cheers.


  6. Hi

    My fiancé and I are getting married in January in Bangalore with a reception in Kerala. We were wondering if you could do us the honour of covering our reception. It’ll be in Trivandrum on the January 5th night. It’ll be an eclectic group of ppl considering my wife is gharwali and I’m tamil keralite. We are expecting around 300 ppl but we are looking for candid artistic shots. Please let us know your availability and rate.


    Anand and Tanu


  7. Dear Joshi,

    While looking for an appropriate picture on the net on CHAI (Tea), I came across a picture with great aesthetics value, which is clicked by you.


    We would like to use the picture as the poster picture for a small literary gathering called GARMA GARAM CHAI.
    The objective of the event is to celebrate the writings of established writers and bring the new writings in the forefront by doing their dramatised readings for the audiences. This is a free event.

    Would you be kind and give us the permission to use this picture of yours as our poster picture?

    This is the profile of Museum Theatre on facebook and its artistic director Kamal Pruthi

    You can also see how the last picture was used

    Best regards,
    Abhishek Misra
    Assistant to the Artistic Director

    Museum Theatre
    Bangalore, India


  8. Judging by some of the other posts I see here, I think I may regret reaching out through these comments. However, here goes…

    1) love your work.
    2) I’m about to do the dumbest thing I’ve ever done and quit my nerd job to focus on my personal photography and my dream to open an atypical gallery (not of my work) in Boston.
    3) I’d like to chat with you regarding my personal photography and pick your brain a little regarding equiptment since I admire your style.

    Hope this reaches you amongst all the b.s.



  9. Hi Joshi,


    We are pleased to invite you to join the League of Bloggers. The League of Bloggers is an invitation-only program of the best bloggers across genres as follows:

    This is a grouping of the best bloggers across genres.

    WHO IS A BLOGGER? Anyone who publishes content on user-generated interactive media. This includes WordPress, Blogger, Tumblr, Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, Flickr, Twitter, YouTube, Vimeo and other similar platforms.

    WHO MAY BE A MEMBER? Membership is open to quality bloggers only. An annual review will decide who is in and who is not. And a badge will be provided for the year to select members. There is no cap on the number of members though.

    WHAT WILL WE ALL DO? Lots of stuff. Engage with brands and companies collectively. Promote one another. Learn from each other. Have meet-ups. Make a joint pitch to advertisers and sponsors. And have a lot of fun together.

    SIGN UP AT https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1qEP3BWv2wTz4QGkFXip7lL5H6qOaFYDaQHVpLufib3M/edit

    JOIN US ON FACEBOOK at https://www.facebook.com/groups/blogleague.

    The idea of the League is to proactively engage with one another. We would like all of you to share suggestions and ideas to make the most of this initiative.

    Look forward to having you on board.


    Ajay Jain

    Join us for coffee at the Kunzum Travel Cafe, T-49 Hauz Khas Village, New Delhi 110016. http://kunzum.com/travelcafe.


  10. Hi Daniel
    Loved your photography. I am into the same genre of photography that you work upon. Therefore, i was just wondering if i could get in touch with you and share some of my work as well as i am also a Mumbai based guy. Please let me know whatever you think about it.
    My e-mail id is rjvtobu@gmail.com

    Awaiting your reply


  11. Hey Joshi, thanks for browsing my photos. Your photos are amazing, I am inspired by the depth of your work, keep going, as will I.


  12. Hey,

    My name is Sahil Bhagat, and I’m the Founder of Vebbler.com, a new personal social network launched in India. Here’s a look at the Site promo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=slWQdNZzNQI. Vebbler is now in 66 countries and 440+ cities, making it a great platform to connect with like-minded people in India and abroad.

    We have recently launched a new Twitter-like feature on the Site called ‘Interesting People To Follow’ and are connecting with several bloggers in areas of fashion, literature, entertainment, photography, satire, sports, technology and causes promoting them and their content on Vebbler and enable them to connect with their Fans. The feature was launched 25 days ago and we have received an overwhelming response from 40+ bloggers across the country and we would love to have you on board too.

    If this is something that interests you, we will create a promoted profile for you which will be promoted in the following ways:

    Twitter-Style tab on the Web Application: The homepage of Vebbler will have a tab on the right side recommending users to follow you. Users who follow you will get all your public updates.

    New User Suggestions: Every time a new user enters Vebbler, he/she will be directed to a middle page before the homepage where he/she will be given a suggestion to follow your profile. Whoever follows your profile will receive all your public updates.

    Mobile: Vebbler’s mobile Site is also launching the ‘Interesting People to Follow’ feature in which follow suggestions will be displayed.

    If you’re interested, I’d be happy to connect with you. My number is +91-9820433731 or you can email me back.

    Look forward to hearing from you.



  13. Just checked in because you were so sweet as to be the only vote for my blogs many times and am stunned at this blog and feeling a little inadequate.I have zero visual sense so i am going to follow your blog to develop visual sense.


  14. Your photos are truely amazing. I really want to click LIKE on every single one but that would just take me entirely too long. I admire those who can photograph people in this exact way that you can….a way that tells a story, shows struggle, and makes you wonder what is happening in that subjects life. You have an outstanding talent.


  15. Hi Joshi. Thank you for liking my post, I appreciate that. I am so glad because it led me to your blog – what an amazing blog you have! So many beautiful pictures. All the best, Irene :)


  16. Dear Joshi Daniel,

    You are doing a great job with your blog and best wishes for the same.
    I run a digital and social media marketing agency and undertake assignments from several marquee clients including Ameriprise, DlF, Lufthansa, ITC, The Lalit etc.

    Very recently, a client of ours (in the luxury travel space) wants us to promote a certain video online and maybe get bloggers to blog about them. They are a very reputed brand and we need to help them with this objective. We can even run it through a contest and right now looking at opportunities of aligning with great bloggers like yourself.

    Can you please advise me on whether you would like to be a part of this campaign? What are (reasonably) your commercial considerations for the same?

    We have already reached out to more than 100 odd bloggers in the category of travel, Lifestyle, Luxury, Hospitality etc and would like to add you to our aligned partners.

    Looking forward to your response,

    Anivek Abrol


  17. Hie, My name is Sharada Iyer). I am a journalist for a newspaper based in Mumbai. You may have read a few of my articles published on Indiblogger.in (I contribute there under the pen-name of Rohini Iyer). I wanted to request an interaction with you for our newspaper Afternoon Despatch and Courier’s Education and Career beat on photography as a career. Please do let me know.



  18. I am not at all surprised by your long list of awards. You consistently create intelligent, powerful images. I am very deeply impressed.


  19. hi dear,
    i m 27 yr old indian white skin chubby female model at kolkata, here i m lokin for some good assignment with talented, lovely and decent photographer . i m ready for any type of photography including nude art photography too. requested for your kind co-operation to feature me with good assignment.



  20. Hey buddy.
    I am an amateur photographer from India.
    I want to know where in India,I could find workshops of nude photography?
    As in India,it is like a taboo and people even many artists asked me to shut up when I asked them about this.
    Please reply via E-mail.
    Thanks in advance.
    and btw nice photographs.:)


  21. Fantastic Street portraits Joshi. How easy do you find approaching strangers and engaging them? Its something I still struggle with in terms of street photography.


  22. well… The photographs are awesome … needless to say…only that .. i am a charcoal artist .. and would like to refer to some of the photos while owrking .. for the study of light…

    would you permit me?



  23. Hi Joshi! I just wanted to say your photographs are wonderful! I am a photographer, although, not as pro as you :) Check out some of my stuff if you have time http://www.ashleydalephotography.com – i’d like your feedback on some of the people I’ve been photographing so far from my stay here in Rwanda – African people are amazing, but especially Rwandans – it seems that they ALL have a story to tell, one that has deep, deep emotion (maybe because of the recent history of the country, maybe not – I am still trying to figure that out).

    Never stop shooting – your work is amazing.


  24. Joshi,

    Thanks for reading and looking through my Rwanda blog! The photos on there are really just to go with whatever I’m talking about – my MUCH better photography is on my photography website, which i previously left the link for so I won’t again :)

    Thanks for your support!



  25. Hi Joshi,

    You know i really feel pleasant on your blog and love your photography. I find your blog through indiblogger, and thanks to this great directory that they help me to know about a great photographer. All your portraits look live and amazing.

    And the amazing facts is you are one of the most active indiblogger member . None of my indivine post has completed without your vote. So thanks for such a lovely photography blog.


  26. I have been following your Photoblog for a long time. I am inspired by your Photographs. I would like to work under you. Can you please send me your mail id. I will send my Photographs to you. Looking forward to your reply.


  27. Hi there! Thank you very much for liking my blog!!! Just let you know that I’m also into photography but unfortunately i’m not as professional as you are lol! I liked your works very much and hoped that maybe next time we can corporate to work out something together! Keep on with the good works!


  28. I would like to invite you to Kerala Travel Mart 2014 coming up in Kerala Travel Mart 2014 coming up in
    September 18,19 and 20th in Kochi,Kerala,India.This is a mega biennial event showcasing Kerala to the rest of the world.Kindly let me have your mail id to give you all the information about KTM. Plese visit the site: http://www.keralatravelmart.org

    Thank You,
    Asha Bonney
    KTM PR-Media co-ordinator


  29. Hi Josh, it is an absolute delight to visit your blog and as is rightly said A Picture worth a thousand words.

    On behalf of Suryagarh, Jaisalmer,I would like to invite to you to stay with us at Suryagarh. With this tour, we wish to showcase the unseen Jaisalmer to you bringing together some unforgettable experiences that are singularly unique to Suryagarh.

    Request you to contact me as early as possible and I would share further details with you.



  30. URGENT: Please help us out with your contact detail… need to talk to you regards to a very important project.. Need to close the same by today itself.. plz revert asap

    Govind Mahadevan
    Bloggers Outreach Programme Head


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