
About Me:

I am a photographer based out of India. My passion lies in capturing images of people I’m intrigued by—their faces, the stories behind them, their lifestyles, cultures, and traditions. I like endlessly roaming around the streets, wherever I go, and spend time learning and understanding my subjects. Also, as is apparent from my blog, I do have a soft corner for portraits and images in black and white! If you would like to work with me for assignments and commissioned works, get in touch with me here.

About This Photoblog:

On August 1, 2008 I started this photoblog to showcase the images of people that I shoot  and creating images for this photoblog has always been an exciting and fulfilling challenge. As a mark of my fondness for black and white, this site uses only different shades of grey for all its elements.





Collaborations and Assignments:

GoPro • Google Pixel • Skoda • Daniel Wellington • Philippines Tourism •  Ministry of Tourism of Indonesia • Garuda Indonesia • Dream Cruises • WirtschaftsWoche • Brussels Airlines • Forsyth Lodge • Victorinox

Social Media Followers:

Instagram: 46k+ • Twitter: 24k+ • Facebook: 10k+

28mm Portraits Project:

I’ve been working on my 28mm Portraits Project since June 2017. Click here to take a look at this project.


Exhibited my images at the Kala Ghoda Arts Festival 2011, held in Mumbai under the theme ‘Faces’.


Click here to view the entire thumbnail Archive of 627 images posted over the last 11 years.

Yearly Archive → •2023 (4) •2022 (5) •2021 (5) •2020 (4) •2019 (36) •2018 (66) •2017 (52) •2016 (66) •2015 (66) •2014 (48) •2013 (49) •2012 (52) •2011 (42) •2010 (51) •2009 (43) •2008 (32)



If you would like to buy a print of any of the images, get in touch with me here.


I mostly use Nikon DSLRs, Apple iPhones and GoPro to capture images. I occasionally shoot with film.

Copyright Information:

All photographs found on this site are copyrighted to joshi daniel. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of photographs without express and written permission from joshi daniel is strictly prohibited.


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1,853 Replies to “About”

  1. Hi,
    I’m Bennett White. I am a current graphic design student at Tallahassee Community College( Florida, US) and i was wondering if it would be alright to use one of your images in my project. it is only meant to be graded. will not be printed or published. thank you


  2. Hi Joshi… Just wanted to thank you for your ‘like’ on my blog. You are are true professional… as showcased on this beautiful blog of yours. I’m honoured you took the time to look at mine.
    Thanks again!


  3. Thank you for visiting my blog “Eyes to Heart” and liking my post “The Watchers.” … Your own photography is spectacular. It means a lot that you would notice mine and provide feedback by way of a “like.” . … Be well, Dorothy :-)


  4. Hi Josi, I wanted you to know that you are the Artist of the Day on my blog:

    Artist of the Day / Joshi Daniel

    Please let me know if you would like me to add or change anything.

    The main purpose of the blog is to share the ‘Artistic Process’. What and where artists do what they do to create their art.

    I’d appreciate it if you would consider sending me some photos for my ‘Work Spaces’ and/or ‘Making It’ categories.

    Please send any photos to mfsmith46@gmail.com.

    And, of course, I’d like you to share this with anyone who might be interested.

    I have received messages like the following:
    Darcy commented on Artist of the Day / Sandy Martinez
    “Thanks for allowing us to know a bit more about the artist.”

    thanks, Mike


  5. Your street portraits – wow! The kind of images I always hope to produce when I travel, but just seem incapable of. Congratulations on some stunning work.


  6. Hi, Joshi. I hate Facebook. I’ve never been very good at that sort of thing. I can’t figure out what to say on it. The only reason I set up an account was to keep up with my old work buddies at a bookstore. They wanted to know how I was doing but were too busy to check my blog, so they wheedled me into creating an account so they could pester me once and awhile. I’ve never expanded it beyond that little group of arm twisters because it exhausts me just trying to keep up with them. Now blogging, and responding to people that way makes sense to me!


  7. Hello Josh! What a treat to have you visit my blog and like my post! Thank you! Your photoblog is inspiring. I love the images of people and of India. I’ll be back!


  8. Hey,

    you asked the developer of the theme exactly the same question I wanted to ask him:

    joshi daniel
    on April 6, 2012 at 7:02 am

    Is there any way to change the opacity of the images in the home page?

    Too bad, it seems it is only possible to change this when selfhosting the blog….



  9. Wow! First of all, let me just say how very well done your blog is…
    It is “sticky” and very easy to navigate.
    And your art is also quite excellent.


  10. Your photos make me miss India. So glad you stopped by my blog. I take all my own photos to illustrate the the ideas in “Every Day Life, Every Day Faith.” Shanti, Shanti, Shanti


  11. Hi Joshi, firstly thank you for dropping by my blog and liking my post. I have just had a quick look at some of your images and they are awesome my friend. I too like to do street photography and I will check out your site in more depth later (when I have more time) In the meantime I intend to subscribe and put a link to your site on my blog.


  12. Hi, thanks for your recent “Cheers”. I have seen the world thru your eyes …. Splendid!

    Did you know the work of this guy from Norway? I just put his URLs on my post called Crossroads but go there directly to see the Northern Lights show that he created. Bye, v.


    Celestial Lights
    by Ole C. Salomonsen
    3 days ago: Tue, Apr 17, 2012


  13. Hi Joshi, thanks for dropping by my blog and liking my post. Your portraits are wonderful—it’s so nice to see pictures taken with such loving care of people who aren’t models.


  14. Hi Daniel! I enjoy your photographs and just wanted to let you know that I have nominated you for the “Very Inspiring Blogger Award”. Should you choose to accept here is the link:

    The First Award!


  15. I have chosen to use you as my inspirational photographer at school, as I am doing a low key lighting with UV light project and I love your low lighting pictures. Just wondering what type of camera and equipment you use in these type of shoots and if you would have any tips for me?


  16. Hi how are you doing?i saw ur all potos very nice. i m interested to draw sum of ur potos collections wt ur permission.


  17. Hi Joshi, thanks for popping by my blog, I love your images, the black and whites are so dramatic and full of emotion.


  18. My name is Subesh and i have been visiting blog regularly and am very interested to involve you in a string of activities with a new pathbreaking technology . Would like to have a quick chat with you regarding the same.I believe this might interest you and would request you to please share your contact information so we can take this ahead.


  19. hey joshi thanxxx for all d likes….its kind of support to the new bloggers like me…*really appreciated*
    and yeah …your blog…its truly amazing…its been an hour looking at your blog and i didn’t realise the time pass by..!!
    hope to see you some day….!! :D till den Ciao friend


  20. I would like to say thank you for coming by my blog. Your posts are fantastic. Definitely following.

    Also a huge thank you for being my number 500 like. Thanks :-)


  21. Hi,

    I represent BloggersMind and we are social media partners for Nokia India.

    We have been keenly following your blog for quite some time now and feel the quality of work is amongst some of the finest. We are very interested to have you as one of the first to experience the Nokia 808 PureView to the fullest. We would like to see how you put the Nokia 808 PureView to work and capture the world around you in all its glory.

    Please share your contact details for the same.



  22. I love your photography! I like the rough faces, the wrinkles, glasses and smiles. All the stuff that no one would think to link with the word beauty, but they define it. :)


  23. thanks Daniel for visiting my photo-blog, looking for more such visits from u :) … btw ur site has really become a learning experience for me, specially the portraits… bye


  24. Hi Joshi – thanks for commenting on my site, your images are exceptional! I must travel, I am getting so bored with my current location am taking pics of the damn walls!! :0)


  25. Wonderful snaps Daniel. Though i have been following you on Facebook from a long time i did not find time to go through all your images until today.

    I must admit that the essence of your photography lies in the expressions of the people’s faces. Brilliant work.

    All your B&W snaps has its own charm and that’s one of my area of interest.

    My best wishes to your future beautiful captures.


  26. hi, Womderful work man…..
    I dont think u remember me. Dr Arun from Gastroenterologist Trivandrum, We met in Mumbai airport 3-4 years back
    How is your work these days. I was looking thru old emails then saw ur email…thought would say hi.
    where r u these days?
    Dr Arun


  27. hiee sir!!! awesome photography!! my frnd is too a photographer,.. and he loves taking pic especially wild life!! love ur works!!


  28. Wow! Amazing photgraphy!
    Thanks so much for visiting my fledgling blog.
    I am glad you did, so I could find yours! I will be glad to return and feast my eyes on this beauty.


  29. Hello Joshi, Here’s another award nomination for you! I am nominating you for the One Lovely Blog Award. I love seeing photos of people from far away. Your pics remind me of what we all have in common. Please see my post of 8/3/12 to see your nomination and pick up the logo for your award!

    Evidence of Wishes


  30. Joshi,

    quick question, I am confused between self-hosted and wordpress hosted blog.

    how much you pay and what is the limit for this wordpress hosted blog?

    PS: ardent follower of your work


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