
About Me:

I am a photographer based out of India. My passion lies in capturing images of people I’m intrigued by—their faces, the stories behind them, their lifestyles, cultures, and traditions. I like endlessly roaming around the streets, wherever I go, and spend time learning and understanding my subjects. Also, as is apparent from my blog, I do have a soft corner for portraits and images in black and white! If you would like to work with me for assignments and commissioned works, get in touch with me here.

About This Photoblog:

On August 1, 2008 I started this photoblog to showcase the images of people that I shoot  and creating images for this photoblog has always been an exciting and fulfilling challenge. As a mark of my fondness for black and white, this site uses only different shades of grey for all its elements.





Collaborations and Assignments:

GoPro • Google Pixel • Skoda • Daniel Wellington • Philippines Tourism •  Ministry of Tourism of Indonesia • Garuda Indonesia • Dream Cruises • WirtschaftsWoche • Brussels Airlines • Forsyth Lodge • Victorinox

Social Media Followers:

Instagram: 46k+ • Twitter: 24k+ • Facebook: 10k+

28mm Portraits Project:

I’ve been working on my 28mm Portraits Project since June 2017. Click here to take a look at this project.


Exhibited my images at the Kala Ghoda Arts Festival 2011, held in Mumbai under the theme ‘Faces’.


Click here to view the entire thumbnail Archive of 627 images posted over the last 11 years.

Yearly Archive → •2023 (4) •2022 (5) •2021 (5) •2020 (4) •2019 (36) •2018 (66) •2017 (52) •2016 (66) •2015 (66) •2014 (48) •2013 (49) •2012 (52) •2011 (42) •2010 (51) •2009 (43) •2008 (32)



If you would like to buy a print of any of the images, get in touch with me here.


I mostly use Nikon DSLRs, Apple iPhones and GoPro to capture images. I occasionally shoot with film.

Copyright Information:

All photographs found on this site are copyrighted to joshi daniel. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of photographs without express and written permission from joshi daniel is strictly prohibited.


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1,853 Replies to “About”

  1. Hello,
    I am also a photography enthusiast and have a question.
    While practicing street photography in candid mode, is it necessary to take the model release to put the photos on our site?


  2. Hello, you have an excellent photoblog. We wanted to seek licenses for some of your work for a website. Can you please contact us?


  3. Hi Sir,
    Have gone through your blog and found your pics really awesome. I just started blogging actively. I found loads of pics suitable to what I write on my blog, hence wanted to as if I can use one or two pics of yours in my blog.

    Would like to know if it is okay with you. I will also make a note of your name while pasting any pics.


  4. We organize a big photo event : photoquai 2011 for the third biennal of world picture. Would interested to talk about this event in your blog ?




  5. I’ve been lurking around this blog, and delurked today to express a comment in poetry form. (Came here from a reco Google buzz from magiceye Deepak Amembal. ) . I have a poetry blog (http://kavitalihi.blogspot.com) where I write and post poems inspired by photos posted by people. I wonder if I can ask for permission to use the Kalaripayattu demo photo, with proper attribution to you , for publishing the concerned poem (which is published a is a comment on your Kalaripayattu post. I would be very grateful for a response. Thank you.


  6. Hey Joshi Sir,
    I am a student of SDM Institute for Management Development, Mysore (https://www.facebook.com/SDMIMD). I am the Managing Editor of our college business magazine, Dimensions. We are running a photo contest for the inset pages of the upcoming issue to be published in September. We would really like for you to judge the contest. The contest will be held on Facebook and will involve all our page followers. This will also help you generate ‘Likes’ for your Facebook page.
    Dimensions is circulated among major business schools in India, corporates and alumni. We will attribute the contest and the judging to you in the magazine as well.

    Please let us know if you would be willing to judge the contest. Thank you.

    Aashith Gaurav


  7. Hi joshi:
    Would you pls get in touch with me.. i would like you to take a few pics of mine as well as my family as i believe you have the god given talent to click the best…..

    waiting for a response!!


  8. Hey, Nilesh Gonsalves here. I am interested in photography since a long time and have been limiting myself with the point and shoot camera. But now I am planning to buy one entry level DSLR. Which one do you hink is good? My eyes are on Nikon D3100(thats what I can afford, so please dont recommend special lenses. I will be buying the stock lenses that come with it.) Also, where can I get a good entry level info into buying a camera.


  9. Hi, thanks for the ‘like’ on my John Lennon post. You have some incredible photographs here. You capture mood and emotion very well, cheers, Mark.


  10. I model for fun, and I must tell you that you do a great job at capturing the person. Love the mendhi/naked shot! I have GOT to do that myself. If you are ever in the US and need a free model, let me know!


  11. Dear Mr. Daniel, I am an artist living in Canada, am an admirer of your work, and would like to copy one of your photographs as an oil painting. I am specifically looking at the close up of the hands of the Dadar flower market rose seller. I would like to know know how I can obtain permission to render that image in oil.
    Thank you,
    Keith MacPherson


  12. Thank you for your lovely comment on my picture, it was a lovely surprise to log back in on my first day to see some lovely words. Your pictures are amazing, I only hope one day I will have half the skills you do.


  13. Hi Joshi! It has been a great pleasure to see your images and sharing comments. You are doing a great work, very intimate with your characters and subjects. Keep delighting us with your splendid vision.


  14. Dear Joshi,
    First of all,congratulations for your work!
    We’re a group of photographers-some of them beginners while others serious amateurs-and we’ve created a photographic community named http://www.e-photocontests.com.
    We’d like to see some of your work there-In fact we can also put a direct link of your page at our website,and if possible from you to do the same thing!
    Let me know what you think,for any question please do not hesitate to contact me!
    Keep up the good work!
    Kind Regards,


  15. Have admired your work always. It is lovely to know that yout pics have been exhibited at Kala Ghoda and you have won several prestigious awards.

    Your passion for your work speaks through your pics.

    All the best for future ventures!


  16. Joshi,
    It is a little difficult to read what you wrote. I had to select and highlight to be able to read. Can you do something about it?
    Your photos are superb! I guess you like black n white… Happy clicking (n sharing too…)


  17. You are an extremely talented photographer Mr. Daniel. For some strange reason, most of your black and white photos remind me of Ansel Adams, even if I am not looking at landscapes! Please keep the fires burning…


  18. Hello!
    My name is Ellice Cook and I am a student doing the Higher School Certificate (final year of schooling) in Australia, studying Visual Arts. Our coarse requires us to create a Body of Work throughout the year, and I created a collection of works, a series of eight images related to my concept, mediums ranging from painting and drawing to photography. While researching, I came across your work and was greatly inspired. One aspect of my work is an appropriation of your image ‘Smile of a Sadhu’ as a painting, in which I have given (and will continue to give) full acknowledgement to you as the source to this particular aspect of my Body of Work.

    I have been honoured by having my work nominated for “Art Express”- the New South Wales HSC Visual Arts Showcase, which displays the best works of the year, but I am only able to display my work with written consent from you as the original artist of your image before the 31st of December. Therefore I sincerely ask for your permission to display my artwork in the gallery. If you do consent your name will be publicized with my artwork. As this is an unexpected honour, I have been put into the position to seek your approval with such short notice, therefore I apologise. If you have any questions, or would like to view my appropriation, please contact me :)

    Thank you so much for your time! Love your work!
    Yours sincerely,
    Ellice Cook


  19. Mr Daniel

    I’m Udayan Sankar Pal, a photographer residing in Visakhapatnam, India.

    The reason I am sending this mail to you is because we have created an ARCHIVE of Photography Exhibitions. Aim of this Archive is to keep records of the exhibitions held worldwide & make this archive as resource for research. We do NOT use this archive for commercial purposes. I’m collecting since 2002 & the archive has more than 5000+ brochures in its collection from around the world. To this effect we would like your help. We would appreciate it very much if you could send to us the brochures/ flyers/ synopsis/ invitation cards of your past, ongoing or soon to be conducted photographic exhibitions.

    You can visit our website at http://ape.threedots.in for more information. Kindly revert if you have any queries, I will be happy to answer them.

    Our address:
    Udayan Sankar Pal
    Archive of Photography Exhibition
    3-122/5 Adarsha Nagar
    Visakhapatnam-530040, INDIA

    Looking forward for your help and contribution to enrich this archive.

    Udayan S Pal.


  20. Thoroughly enjoyed viewing your images. Each line in the creased faces, each taught muscle in the martial arts expert’s body, tells many stories. If you have an exhibition in bangalore, let me know. Will try to write a magazine feature.


  21. Your work is amazing. I see the comments on your blog and realize how many people feel the same way. It feels fairly pointless to comment on your pictures individually, since they are all so powerful, and perfectly executed. I try and learn from each of them (I am an amateur clicker too).


  22. Hi Daniel,

    your photo blog is truly amazing. A very dear friend and I have started a FB page by the name of ‘Moonlighting by the Sufi Masroof’. Swati’s beautiful pictures compliment my poetry and our combined passions is creating great music. may I request you to go through this link and if you like it, please recommend it to likeminded people, who enjoy photography and would love to read where the artist comes from.
    The reason I write to you is that your art is brilliant and thought provoking and thats exactlt what we have set out to do. Need your help and spreading the word to the right people.
    The link:
    Apprecaite your help.
    Warm regards
    A lesser Known Poet


  23. Hi, Josh! Your masterly B&W photographs bring forth in my mind magnificent images of the great Raghu Rai. When I look at any photograph clicked by you I happen to keep looking at it as if mesmerised by its beauty. Am only an amateur and evolving photographer, a contributor to deviantArt website, but frank enough to share with you that your photographs under Fashion category, excepting one or two, have not impressed me as your photographs in all other categories. Trust you are great enough to either note or ignore my, a lay person’s observation. Keep growing and be happy. Gurudatt


  24. Hello Sir,
    I’m an engineering student and we are conducting a film festival in our college from 10-12th Feb 2012. We have a photography competition and a still cinema competition as well. I, on behalf of my team, would like to invite you to our college as a Judge for these two competitions. Kindly drop in a mail at amn.agrl@gmail.com if you are interested, so that I may contact you for further details.


  25. Hello

    We are India based leading Digital Photo Retouching Services provider.
    We offers upto 60% savings on the image processing cost as compared to your local prices.

    We welcome you to test our FREE SAMPLE WORK to test Quality & processes.

    Our Digital Photo Retouching Services:

    Masking/Cut-out, Clipping Paths, Deep Etchings, Background removal.
    Dust Cleaning, Spot cleaning.
    Color correction, Black & White, Light & Shadows, Etc.
    Beauty retouching, Skin retouching, Face retouching, Body retouching.
    Logo Designing & Logo tracing
    Wedding Assignment – wedding pictures retouching,Album Design
    Restoration i.e. colorizing a black and white photo (No Free test for Restoration)
    Restoring very old damaged photographs, which are faded and creased with marks, stains, dust and scratches etc, back to the original condition (No Free test for Restoration).
    Keywording (By specialized SEO team)

    We have Special offer for Wedding’s color correction.

    We request you to send the sample work (Free of cost services) to test Quality & processes, I can send FTP details or you can send us one or two images as attachment with instruction set at this very mail address.

    At Last I want to state that prices are pretty flexible depending upon the nature of work and volume of work you are giving to us. I am sure after AMAZING you with our first sample we can discuss this further.

    Look forward to start working with you and AMAZE you with our work.

    Thanks & Regards
    P.S. This is an advertisement and a promotional mail strictly on the guidelines of CAN-SPAM act of 2003 . We have clearly mentioned the source mail-id of this mail, also clearly mentioned the subject lines and they are in no way misleading in any form. We have found your mail address through our own efforts on the web search and not through any illegal way. If you find this mail unsolicited, please reply with “Remove” in the subject line and we will take care that you do not receive any further promotional mail.


  26. Hi,

    My name is Amanda Erickson, I’m an editor over at the Atlantic’s urban affairs website, Atlantic Cities. We run a regular feature called Postcard, where we highlight photos of a particular city by a photographer who specializes in that place. This week, we’re featuring work from East Asia. I was wondering if I might be able to showcase a picture from your blog, along with a write-up about the work you do? I’m happy to talk more – I’m at 202-266-7426 or this aerickson@theatlantic.com.



  27. Thank you for dropping by and ‘liking’ my post ‘Frosty morning 3’. As a result you introduced me to your own work. It would be patronising of me to comment on such photographic technical craftsmanship, but I can express a deep admiration for your ability to capture the inner essence of your subject, whether it is a person, event or situation. Your photos are inspirational. Thank you for taking the time and trouble to acknowledge my picture.


  28. Joshi,
    Your photographic work defies description. I am mesmerized and fascinated by everyone of your images. You have a special gift for capturing the faces of people but, more importatntly, you capture their inner feelings. I have visited often and will continue to do so as I can never get enough of what you post on here.
    God Bless your eyes forever.


  29. Hello Joshi,

    In all the snaps that you have covered , you have managed to adequately capture the sentiment you depict in your caption/description.However after spending quite some time on you blog I believe one sentiment has not been aptly captured , that is “Power”. I did have some thoughts on how the subject and surrounding for the same could be depicted/visualized , if I understand correctly this is what you refer to as the “treatment. Please let me know if the above interests you to work on , I will mail you whatever I could figure out.


  30. Joshi – you have a really impressive portfolio of images… congratulations on a terrific body of work! And thank you too for taking the time to read my recent post, “Discover cinemagraphs – more than a photograph, not quite a video”… I’m delighted you liked it! And now I’m off to enjoy browsing your blog…
    Susie :)


  31. Thank you for coming by my blog, I followed you back and found your blog so exciting, the photography is outstanding… keep finding those faces and the stories behind the face… come again some time, I have decided to follow and see what face you capture next! What an adventure!


  32. Hello,

    I am writing an essay on Kathakali, and your Kathakali pictures are breathtaking. May I use them for my paper? I will cite them and give you credit, of course.

    Thank you!
    P.S.: your photo’s are beautiful!


  33. All photos are very superb,now itself am your fan,am vikram adithyan owner of national detective agency chennai


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