Nikko and me

Photo of my dachshund puppy Nikko lying on my feet
Nikko by my feet | Trivandrum, Kerala, India

Nikko was a 51-days-old dachshund puppy when I got him. He liked to sleep on my feet or on my slippers and he was so little that he could easily fit into one slipper. The first couple of days, he hardly slept and was always running around and hungry. I was always sleepy after I got him because I could never match up to his energy levels and I was planning to follow his diet! As usual, in the first week, I was taking his pictures. One time, he sat down in one spot and stared at me. Even when I called him, he kept staring at me. I was wondering what happened to him. Usually, he’d always follow me around or would come if I called him. After a few hours, he started vomiting and it would not stop. I took him to the vet and the vet confirmed it was Canine Parvovirus. We began treatment the very same day. After a day or so, he showed signs of recovering. But again, he went back to vomiting and diarrhoea. Over the next few days, he would pass out bloody diarrhoea. One day, in spite of the IV, he didn’t stand up. The whole day he lay there in the same position I had kept him. But he had vomited only twice that day, so I was excited to think that he was recovering. But sadly, he cried one last time and he left us. I wanted him to see this world and enjoy life and wished that he would always stay small. But he chose to stay young forever. Life feels empty and silent now.

358 Replies to “Nikko and me”

  1. Our most sincere condolences Joshi. There are no words adequate right now, just know that we share your sorrow and will always remember the wonderful picture of Nikko as your beloved friend and companion.


  2. Dear Daniel,

    very sorry for your loss and I understand how you felt. Our fox terrier called pudding also loved to do all those things that you wrote about and she too died in a lot of pain, in fact we had to put her to sleep as she was suffering.

    NIkko looks so adorable and peaceful wiht you.

    They come to our lives to offer unconditional love and that stays behind even when they have taken another journey somewhere else.



  3. Oh, Joshi, what an awful thing! I am so very, very sorry. Having lost two dogs I know the pain. They are so brave the way they die and so adorably loving the way they live! My heart goes out to you. Hugs, Ellen


  4. So sad for your loss. I know how you feel. I’ve lost many beautiful fur babies and it never gets easier. My last loss was a beautiful big, healthy, strong German Shepherd named Max. He was 4 and got pneumonia, dying very suddenly. I will forever feel sad that he didn’t get to do a lot of things my other dogs have, because he left us early. But I like the way you say “forever young” and that is how I will think of him from now on. My thoughts are with you at this tough time.


  5. Oh Joshi I am so sorry to hear of the loss of Nikko but he was well loved during his short time on earth and brought you much joy. He won’t be forgotten but will be sadly missed. Thoughts are with you.


  6. Oh, Joshi. It breaks my heart for you because he was way too young to leave you. Thank god you have this touching reminder of his abiding presence with you. I suppose he’s waiting to come back to you in a reincarnated form…another dog?


  7. There is never a right time. One thing I do know is that they stay etched on your heart, forever. Blessed to have known them for even a moment and honoured to have gained their trust and friendship.


  8. Sorry for you loss Joshi, Parvovirus is a horrible disease. I lost a dog to the very same illness. Our animals always become such an important part of our lives as soon as we have them. I love the picture!


  9. Awwww Joshi, so sorry to hear about your loss. He was gorgeous. I lost both my dogs to cancer last year so I understand the emptiness you are feeling. The younger of my two was only 8 but had the same energy levels as when I became his mom when he was only 6 months old. Thinking of you ..


  10. Your photography , your eye that so keenly observes what is real and reveals to us the depth of a true heart will keep Nikko alive. Of this I have no doubt.


  11. I never had a pet, so can’t truly relate… but your words speak of love, and the photo also; I empathise. I won’t “like” this post, because it’s sad… but the photo is very adorable, and am sure provides you with very cute reminder of a lovely soul in your life, there when you needed him. Peace x


  12. Such a beautiful image, and such a sad story. Thank you for sharing both. I am sorry for both you and Nikko, that you did not get to enjoy each other’s love over a shared lifetime. Many, many of us understand how it feels to lose a beloved animal. So hard, and I am sending sympathy.


  13. Dear Joshi, the pain of losing a beloved dog is almost too much to bear. Be kind to yourself and allow the tears to flow. Nikko loved you and I am so sorry that he could not stay. But look at the love he created. Sadly, the loss of that love creates so much pain. It is soul pain. Take great care. Karen


  14. So very sorry for your loss and I understand those feelings. Your photo captures beautifully the connection we feel towards our furry loved ones. Warm hugs to you.


  15. Oh Joshi I am so sorry-it is hard enough to lose a pet, but when they are young, it is a horrible heartbreak. But how wonderful that you two found each other for the time that you did–he clearly brought you joy. And such a wonderful image to remember Nikko by-my sympathies-


  16. This one made me cry. I have 5 dogs and they all are heartbreaks waiting to happen. Have you heard the Kipling poem?

    There is sorrow enough in the natural way From men and women to fill our day; And when we are certain of sorrow in store, Why do we always arrange for more? Brothers and Sisters, I bid you beware Of giving your heart to a dog to tear.

    Buy a pup and your money will buy Love unflinching that cannot lie– Perfect passion and worship fed By a kick in the ribs or a pat on the head. Nevertheless it is hardly fair To risk your heart for a dog to tear.

    When the fourteen years which Nature permits Are closing in asthma, or tumour, or fits, And the vet’s unspoken prescription runs To lethal chambers or loaded guns, Then you will find–it’s your own affair– But…you’ve given your heart for a dog to tear.

    When the body that lived at your single will, With its whimper of welcome, is stilled (how still!); When the spirit that answered your every mood Is gone–wherever it goes–for good, You will discover how much you care, And will give your heart for the dog to tear.

    We’ve sorrow enough in the natural way, When it comes to burying Christian clay. Our loves are not given, but only lent, At compound interest of cent per cent. Though it is not always the case, I believe, That the longer we’ve kept ’em, the more do we grieve: For, when debts are payable, right or wrong, A short-time loan is as bad as a long– So why in Heaven (before we are there) Should we give our hearts to a dog to tear? Rudyard Kipling


  17. Nikko was the sweetest, cutest little puppy ever. I’m certain that he knew how much you loved him. His naughtiness, the numerous things he bit (including you), his playfulness, and the trots and wallops in the house and in the backyard will never be forgotten. Thank you for letting me live with him vicariously through photos and videos, j. And thank you for being such an absolute bundle of happiness, Nikko. You’ll always be missed dearly.


  18. That is so heartbreaking. In every sense of the word. I am so very very very sorry for your loss. When they go, they take a piece of our soul with them, but, they do leave behind so much love. I do hope you find comfort and solace in his memories. Rest in peace, Nikko.


  19. My doggy named Romy was as sweet as Niko and he filled our world with loads of happiness. It never felt like he was with us for 13 years, he was a ferocious yet adorable dog until his last breath.
    I hope that you have overcome the loss of Niko, memories unlimited..


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