Fashion Portrait

Fashion portrait of female model Deepthi Varghese
Deepthi Varghese | Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

64 Replies to “Fashion Portrait”

  1. Oh My God…beautiful…again ..a grt ..stunning pic . …loved d way u treated ur subject ..d lighting mindblowing….
    hot model too….


  2. Cropping at the wrist… Not my personal choice, and I’d rename the shot away from fashion, as its more about the dress, the model is just the hanger. Brutal I know, but that’s the industry. Like the shadow cast over the model’s left eye though.


  3. great picture …

    NICE MODEL.. she gt the looks man…. Wilth a great attitude, and nice looks..

    at tehh1st look she seems to be cunning ,, but later on,, her looks toward us is becomming sooo sweet and childish..

    Any way congrats for her too on her professionalism ………..


  4. Nice warm lighting, natural expression, and beautiful soft glow!

    To me, the stray hair across her long neck is a little distracting, because it breaks up the line.


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